2008+ Solved Problems in Electromagnetics
This extremely valuable learning resource is for students of electromagnetics and those who wish to refresh and solidify their understanding of its challenging applications. Problem-solving drills help develop confidence, but few textbooks offer the answers, never mind the complete solutions to their chapter exercises. In this text, noted author Professor Syed Nasar has divided the book's problems into topic areas similar to a textbook and presented a wide array of problems, followed immediately by their solutions.
About the Author
Syed A. Nasar, Ph.D. University of Kentucky (Emeritus), has written many books, including three Schaum's Outlines, Electric Machines and Electromechanics, Basic Electrical Engineering, (with J.J. Cathey), and Electric Power Systems, a power-systems text for Macmillan; and a textbook for McGraw-Hill's College Division, Introduction to Electrical Engineering. He was also the editor of the monthly Electric Machines and Power Systems.
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 978-1-891121-46-3