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Showing 1 - 10 of 34 results

  •  Preorder
    Expected by: 01 July 2025

    AIoT for Smart Transportation

    Transforming the future of mobility  
    Meenu Gupta, Rakesh Kumar, Shakeel Ahmed  2025

    This edited book explores the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) technologies in the context of modern transportation systems. It covers the challenges, technologies, applications, and future trends of AIoT in realizing intelligent transportation.

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    Expected by: 01 April 2025

    Urban Traffic Analysis and Control

    The key challenges in the era of ITS  
    Roberta Di Pace, Giulio E. Cantarella  2024

    Presenting the theory of fixed and adaptive urban signal setting design at both the single junction and network levels, this book explores advances in intelligent transportation systems, the impact of connected and cooperative vehicles on traffic analysis and control, and strategies for optimising safety, fuel consumption and emissions.

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    Expected by: 01 April 2025

    Electric Vehicle Technologies

    Renewable energy for the road  
    John Samuel, Pete James  2024

    Authored by two experts in the technological and commercial development of electric vehicles, this book traces EV technology from its beginnings through the current state-of-the-art and onwards to future possibilities.

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    Traffic Safety Data

    Sources, analysis and applications  
    Aliaksei Laureshyn, Niels Agerholm, Matúš Šucha  2024

    This book covers the different data types that can be collected and used for monitoring, analyzing and improving road safety. It provides a wide and up-to-date perspective on relevant safety data, broadening the horizons for the road safety experts and promoting a more knowledge-based approach to their work.

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    Evaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems, 2nd Edition

    Methods and results  
    Meng Lu  2024

    This book provides an overview of ICT-based intelligent road transport systems with an emphasis on recent evaluation methods and results of ITS development and deployment. The new edition contains up-to-date results, including the impact assessment of cooperative and automated driving.

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    Mobility as a Service

    Its development, deployment, and future  
    Beate Kubitz, James Gleave  2024

    Covering the principles, enabling technologies and business models behind mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), this book provides a systematic and thorough overview of the field for researchers, consultants, industry professionals, transport operators and policy makers. Wide ranging case studies offer a variety of approaches and perspectives.