Expected by: 01 November 2024
Evaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems, 2nd Edition
Methods and results
Intelligent transport systems (ITS) use ICT to deliver transport system improvements as an alternative to expanding physical infrastructure, thereby reducing costs and environmental impact. ITS applications contribute to cleaner and safer transport, enhance economic growth, and hold the promise for sustainable mobility solutions for a future flourishing society.
This book provides an overview of ICT-based intelligent road transport systems with an emphasis on evaluation methods and recent evaluation results of ITS development and deployment. The first edition has been widely used internationally, and while its scientific and practical information is still very valuable, this fully updated second edition contains new, up-to-date results, especially regarding the impact assessment of cooperative and automated driving.
Topics covered in the book include: impact assessment of (cooperative) ITS, including automated driving; frameworks and methods for ITS evaluation; a system architecture for future mobility; opportunities and challenges for future ITS deployment.
With chapters from an international panel of leading experts, this book is essential reading for researchers and professionals from industry, academia and authorities in the ITS domain.
About the Editors
Meng Lu (PhD) works as an independent expert for Aeolix ITS. She is a member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Standards Association; VP Standards Activities & Standards Committee Chair for IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society; and Steering Committee member of the IEEE Future Networks Technical Community. Besides active involvement in a range of R&D activities, she has contributed to IEEE, ISO/TC 204 - Intelligent transport systems.
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 978-1-83724-083-8
Meng Lu