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    Collection and Delivery of Traffic and Travel Information

    Paul Burton, Alan Stevens  2020

    Technologies for traffic and travel information (TTI) have been evolving rapidly in recent years. This book focuses on an emerging generation of machine to machine communication, covering gathering information from automated sensors, digital processing and transmission, and its use by increasingly intelligent agents and vehicles.

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    Smart Sensing for Traffic Monitoring

    Nobuyuki Ozaki  2020

    Intelligent infrastructure has the potential to revolutionise traffic management, and to play a key role in the future automation of vehicles. The book systematically covers the key elements of intelligent infrastructure for an audience of researchers, practitioners and advanced students.

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    Evaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems

    Methods and results  
    Meng Lu  2016

    This book provides an overview of ICT-based intelligent road transport systems with an emphasis on evaluation methods and recent evaluation results of ITS development and deployment.

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    Low Carbon Mobility for Future Cities

    Principles and applications  
    Hussein Dia  2017

    This book brings together leading experts in the areas of urban planning, transport planning and strategy, traffic management and transport technology to present a cohesive work on the policy principles and practical applications to drive urban mobility services in tomorrow's smart cities.

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    Energy Systems for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

    K.T. Chau  2016

    Electric and hybrid vehicles have been globally identified to be the most environmental friendly road transportation. Energy Systems for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles provides comprehensive coverage of the three main energy system technologies of these vehicles - energy sources, battery charging and vehicle-to-grid systems.

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    Road Pricing

    Technologies, economics and acceptability  
    John Walker  2018

    Road pricing is increasingly being implemented around the world to combat congestion, curb carbon and other polluting emissions, compensate for falling revenues from fuel duty, improve the efficiency of the existing transport infrastructure, and fund new transport projects. This book outlines some of the economic theory behind these schemes.