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New Waves in Electromagnetic Technology

New Waves in Electromagnetic Technology

Edited by Andrew Michael Chugg

The concept for this book emerged from a webinar on Electromagnetic Waves: Successfully Surfing the Subject that the editor gave on behalf of the IET in June 2020. The concept was that experts in specialist areas of electromagnetics would write each chapter; providing insightful summaries of current developments within their specialisms, and then extrapolating these existing trends in a logical and reasoned fashion to forecast the future technological developments in their fields. The challenge was for them to look ahead by anything up to a century or more.

This volume presents the fruits of this plan, by focusing on current and forthcoming trends in ten of the most exciting and important areas of technological development involving the field of electromagnetics.

The book particularly addresses wireless power transfer, magnetic confinements fusion, the applications of metamaterials to improve antennas, lenses and cloaking technologies, powerful superconducting motors, applications of magnetic levitation, electrostatic dissipation in healthcare, electromagnetic propulsion for spacecraft, advances in liquid crystal displays, advanced particle accelerators and technological applications of magnetic monopoles.

It is an important consequence of the Maxwell Equations, which constitute the theoretical framework of electromagnetics, that accelerating or oscillating a charge generates a wave in the electromagnetic field. In a parallel fashion, this book aims to lead the charge in making waves in the field of electromagnetic technology.

New Waves in Electromagnetic Technology is a valuable resource for researchers in the electromagnetics community who are seeking perspectives on the leading edge of scientific thought and a long view on possible future directions in the field.

About the Editors

Andrew Michael Chugg read Natural Sciences at Trinity College in the University of Cambridge in the UK, graduating with honours. Since 1997, he has been the author of over 20 papers on radiation effects, mostly published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, and in 2013, he was technical chair of the RADECS Conference held in Oxford. He is currently an executive technical expert in Electromagnetics & Radiation Physics at MBDA in Bristol, UK.

Publication Year: 2024

Pages: 279

ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-456-0

Format: HBK

Editors: Andrew Michael Chugg

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