Open combined protective and neutral (PEN) conductor detection devices (OPDDs)
OPDDs for use in electric vehicle charging applications for household and similar installations (IET 01:2024)
This Standard (IET 01:2024) includes definitions, requirements and tests for open PEN detection devices (OPDDs). During a protective earth neutral (PEN) fault, hazardous touch-voltages may occur at exposed-conductive-parts, including metallic parts of an electric vehicle (EV), connected to the supply PEN conductor by installation and equipment protective conductors.
IET 01:2024 is primarily intended for use by manufacturers of EV charging equipment and all those involved in the installation of domestic EV charging equipment and associated products, including, but not limited to, manufacturers, designers, installers, developers and operators. It will also be useful to architects, construction firms, facility and estate managers, and anyone investing in, or responsible for, the electrical safety of EV charging equipment and products.
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-885-8