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RF and Microwave Module Level Design and Integration

RF and Microwave Module Level Design and Integration

by Mohammad Almalkawi

RF and Microwave Module Level Design and Integration presents a thorough introduction to the basic elements of radio frequency (RF) and microwave modules, followed by a discussion of system-level concepts and measures that can be applied to real-world designs. With a strong emphasis on design and integration, the book offers practical solutions to today's commonly encountered challenges in RF and microwave modules, including system integration, network loss reduction techniques, electromagnetic compatibility, crosstalk reduction techniques, computer-aided design tools, system-level modeling methodologies, and system-level performance evaluation via common RF measurements. Several design examples are presented across the book chapters.

This book describes techniques for the design and development of today's complex (multi-chip) radio frequency and microwave modules for an audience of engineers in academia and industry, and advanced students focusing on RF and microwave module design and integration.

About the Author

Mohammad Almalkawi is a Principal Engineer at Skyworks Solutions, Inc. working on developing SAW/BAW filter and multiplexer designs and their integration within transceiver front-end modules for mobile handset applications. He is a senior member of the IEEE. He has served as an editorial board member for the International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, and as an associate editor for the IET - Electronics Letters. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Engineering from the University of Toledo, USA.

Publication Year: 2019

Pages: 336

ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-359-3

Format: HBK

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