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Self-Organizing Dynamic Agents for the Operation of Decentralized Smart Grids

Self-Organizing Dynamic Agents for the Operation of Decentralized Smart Grids

by Alfredo Vaccaro

Integrating intermittent distributed generation, distributed storage systems, electric vehicles, and flexible loads will present security, stability, and power quality challenges in future smart grids. The amount of data to be processed to face these issues can overwhelm grid operation tools and conventional IT-based applications, limiting situational awareness and decision support. Decentralized and self-organizing technologies can help with that problem. In a self-organizing system, information processing is based on local interactions of its elementary parts (dynamic agents), enabling the cooperative solution of complex decision-making problems by only requiring local information exchange without needing a fusion center for data collection and processing.

Self-Organizing Dynamic Agents for the Operation of Decentralized Smart Grids describes the technology of cooperative sensor networks for smart grid computing, which allows for solving the fundamental power system operation problems by enabling the cooperation of dynamic agents. The resulting computing architecture is highly scalable, flexible, robust against perturbation, and able to self-repair.

Chapters cover the needs and challenges in smart grids, cooperative and self-organizing sensor networks, self-organizing wide area measurement systems, decentralized voltage regulation and economic dispatch of distributed generators, grid monitoring estimation and control, and dynamic thermal rating assessment of overhead lines.

Written with graduate students, researchers, and power system engineers in mind, this book offers a concise but thorough overview of the role of decentralized and self-organizing sensors in smart grids.

About the Author

Alfredo Vaccaro is a full professor at the Department of Engineering of the University of Sannio, Italy, where he is the chair of the Power System Research Group, and dean of the Bachelor of Science and Master Science in Energy Engineering. He is the chair of the IEEE Power System Operation, Planning and Economics Committee - Technologies and Innovation Subcommittee (PSOPE-T&I), editor-in-chief of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy published by Springer Nature, and associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids.

Item Subjects:
Energy Engineering

Publication Year: 2024

Pages: 218

ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-687-8

Format: HBK

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