Power electronics play a vital role in many spheres, including integrating renewable energy, ensuring the reliability of complex power distribution systems, and in increasing efficiency of electric vehicles and industrial machines. Simulation of power electronic circuitry is thus a key and cost-effective means to detect and avoid problems during development of circuitry in power generation, distribution and use. This is true for both novel and established circuit designs.
Simulation and Analysis of Circuits for Power Electronics gives particular consideration to power electronics consisting of piece-wise circuits, focusing especially on LTspice circuit simulation and performance analysis. The book integrates the free-version LTspice for drawing schematics and simulating to generate waveforms of the output voltage and currents, mathematical derivations of the circuits, and the Mathcad software tool for computation of the mathematical derivations to determine the performance parameters.
Starting with fundamentals, chapters cover switched RLC circuits, diode rectifiers, DC-DC and DC-AC converters; thereafter, treatment focuses on resonant pulse inverters, rectifiers, AC voltage controllers, and protection of semiconductor devices. Readers become enabled to apply simulation to novel circuitry as part of their research activities. Each chapter follows a unified structure in presenting the circuit, modelling approach, numerical examples, and use of data and results.
Presenting fundamentals and strategies for circuitry simulation for power electronics, this book offers structured information from principles through to applications, so is a useful guide for students, researchers and anyone wishing to refresh their knowledge of this field. It will also be useful for working engineers with some background in electric circuits and differential equations.