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Synchrophasor Technology: Real-time operation of power networks

Synchrophasor Technology

Real-time operation of power networks  

Edited by Nand Kishor, Soumya R. Mohanty

Phasor measurement units (PMUs) provide time synchronized measurements of phase angles of voltages or currents. These synchrophasors are used in electricity grids to support planning and operation. In the past decade, transmission network planners and grid operators have been using PMUs for monitoring applications. Improvements are still needed to realise the full potential of PMU data for more complex power systems with distributed renewables and increased loads. Challenges related to noise and higher frequency components from various dynamic behaviours of grid components, including electric vehicles, are prevalent.

This book conveys the technology of PMUs and the application of synchrophasors to wide-area networks and interconnected grids. The chapters cover synchrophasor-based applications and technologies, including monitoring of power oscillation, wide area control and predictive protection, congestion management in transmission networks, synchrophasor-based fault location for multi-terminal transmission systems, system integrity protection, and application of synchrophasor technology to microgrids.

This book is important reading for researchers and engineers in academia and industry, and grid operators involved with power systems and renewable energy generation, networks and communication.

About the Editors

Nand Kishor is a Professor in the Department of Engineering, Østfold University College, Norway. Previous assignments include Marie Curie experienced researcher (Marie Curie fellow) at Aalto University, Finland. He has authored and co-authored over 80 SCI international journal publications and has edited two books titled Modeling and Dynamic Behaviour of Hydropower Plants and ICT for Electric Vehicle Integration with the Smart Grid, along with Dr Jesus Fraile-Ardanuy. Both books were published by the IET, UK. Presently, he also serves as subject editor/associate editor for IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, IET Renewable Power Generation, and IEEE Systems Journal.

Soumya R. Mohanty is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India. He is a senior member of the IEEE. His research includes digital signal processing for power system protection, multi-terminal DC, microgrids, wide-area monitoring and control. He has led international research collaborations with Dublin Institute of Technology and Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has published more than 100 research papers in reputed journals and conferences which includes more than 53 SCI international journals.

Item Subjects:
Energy Engineering

Publication Year: 2023

Pages: 271

ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-284-9

Format: HBK

Editors: Nand Kishor, Soumya R. Mohanty

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