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Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles

Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles

Edited by G.N. Roberts, R. Sutton

Unmanned marine vehicles (UMVs) is a collective term used to describe autonomous underwater vehicles, remotely operated vehicles, semi-submersibles, and unmanned surface craft. Considerable interest has been shown in UMVs by the military, civilian and scientific communities due to their ability to undertake designated missions whilst either operating autonomously and/or on co-operation with other types of vehicle. Increasing importance is also being placed on the design and development of such vehicles as they are capable of providing cost effective solutions to a number of littoral, coastal and offshore problems. This book draws attention to the advanced technology which is evolving to meet the challenges being posed in this exciting and growing field of study.

About the Editors

Geoff Roberts is Professor of Mechatronic Systems in the Control Theory and Applications Centre, Coventry University. He has been involved in research into marine control applications for over twenty-five years and has made significant contributions in the areas of intelligence autopilots, ship motion stabilization and guidance and control of UUVs. Geoff is chairman of the Mechatronics Forum, immediate past chairman of the IFAC Technical Committee on Marine Systems, a member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Mechatronics and an Associate Editor of Control Engineering Practice.

Professor Sutton is currently Head of the Marine and Industrial Dynamic Analysis Group in the School of Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He is Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee on Marine Systems, Vice Chair of the United Kingdom Automatic Control Council, Vice Chair of the ImechE Mechatronics, Informatics and Control Committee and a Member of the SUT Underwater Robotics Committee. He has authored over 160 journal and conference papers on various aspects of marine control.

Publication Year: 2006

Pages: 464

ISBN-13: 978-0-86341-450-3

Format: HBK

Editors: G.N. Roberts, R. Sutton

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